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Mounted and framed Land Rover photo collage
Steel Land Rover wall plaque / desk ornament
Tin plate model
Trevor Mitchell framed prints
Your own Land Rover photo blocks & desk calendar
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------------ 1958
An advert placed in an English language newspaper in China showing a Land Rover hard at work in a huge industrial quarry
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------------ 1958
Many companies were happy to be associated with Land Rover following its successful first 10 years. Here, Castrol takes out an advertisement, stating it is recommended by Rover.
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------------ 1958
BP were also keen to pay for an advert showing their Energol motor oil being associated with Land Rover. However, the advertisement says "Rovers" recommend, which seems like a mistake, rather than being deliberate.
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------------ 1958
Another Australian advertisement showing a group of happy people in their Land Rover.
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------------ 1959
Here, the marketing team are trumpeting the company's success by informing readers that 250,000 Land Rovers have already been produced in just 11 years since it was launched -demonstrating its popular appeal.
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------------ 1959
This advert shows the Land Rover at such an acute angle it will inevitably draw readers into the page.
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------------ 1959
A straightforward Canadian advert which uses similar text and imagery to British ads, but with the additional text stating the vehicle is British built for Canadian service.
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------------ 1959
An unusual US advert in that instead of having a powerful headline which states what the product can do, this ad forces readers to read a substantial amount of text before they can determine what the advert is about and whether it is of interest to them.
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------------ 1959
A simple, unambiguous advert which not only shows the Land Rover in action, but also shows the range of body styles which are available.
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------------ 1959
A very similar advert to the previous one, but as this one was published in winter it deliberately showed the Land Rover easily making its way along a snow-covered track.
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------------ 1959
A very rare advert in that the Land Rover oval is shown at both the top and bottom of the page.
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------------ 1959
This advert draws the reader in by showing Land Rovers in an unusual landscape (South America) following the success of a recent expedition there
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------------ 1959
The Brockhouse company had a close relationship with Land Rover throughout the 1950s with their heavy-duty 15cwt trailer and were happy to promote the association wherever they could
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------------ 1959
An Australian advert which states that the new Land Rovers are actually built in Australia -making it seem more of a locally made vehicle
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------------ 1959
Another advert which promotes the Rover saloon car and the Land Rover together. This was an American advert, placed by the newly formed Rover Motor Company of North America, when Rover took over sales to North America itself.
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