------------ 1973



     Another advert in the series where real working people were featured alongside their reliable hard working Land Rover.

------------ 1973



     During the British Leyland era, the Land Rover products were one of very many vehicles being produced, typified by this advertisement where the Range Rover is almost lost away amongst the Triumph, MG, Jaguar, Daimler and other brands within the portfolio.

------------ 1973




     As Land Rover celebrated its 25th anniversary, the giant Dupont chemical company were happy to promote their association with the vehicle, although whether having "Land Rover" as one word  was deliberate or not, is not known

------------ 1973




     This American advertisement invited readers to get a free booklet called "A Guide to Land Rover Expeditions" which would no doubt accompany a range of glossy brochures about the latest vehicles available when it arrives on the doorstep

------------ 1974



     This is a different approach to use an advert to generate sales. Here, readers (in the US) were invited to visit an Austin MG dealer, and if they then purchased a Marina car, they may also win a Land Rover for free.

------------ 1974



     By the early 1970s, Land Rover were such a part of popular culture, the company were happy to promote its" mystique" as much as the vehicle's specific features

------------ 1975



     In the mid 1970s, Land Rover's then owner, Leyland Cars, was still pushing the message of the multi-purpose benefits of the Land Rover.

------------ 1975



     This advert uses a toy Meccano model to show the simple way a Land Rover is built, but emphasises the need to have an expert service it.

------------ 1975



     This is an advert which supposedly features some of the many Land Rover mechanics always available to every owner. However, in this much more male orientated era, having a young pretty female wearing fashionable boots and an unbuttoned overall sitting in the middle of the group, somehow questioned the authenticity of the "mechanics" who were featured.

------------ 1975



     This was a very effective advert which simply showed how the same vehicle is a vital working tool for many of Britain's biggest companies.

------------ 1976



     This is another advert which was trying to dissuade customers from considering some of the cheaper, lower quality alternative vehicles which were increasingly appearing on the market at the time.

------------ 1976





Another example of clever copywriting to explain the continued export success of the Land Rover

------------ 1976



     Here was a return to the trusty old advert which showed a collage of different Land Rover body options, but in an unusual way

------------ 1976



     While head office provided most of the advertisements for the national press, dealers such as the Kenning Motor Group continued to produce their own ads on a local or regional basis or for specialist publications.

------------ 1976



     Nothing is more memorable than a powerful image and this dramatic advert from Australia was designed to show how much fun Land Rover owners had in their vehicle.

------------ 1976




     As the commercial market was still a major part of sales, there were still many tailored adverts in the specialist commercial press

------------ 1976




     Another advert which features a range of the cars being produced under the British Leyland umbrella, but while this one includes a Range Rover, it excludes the standard Land Rover

------------ 1978



     A very direct advert aimed at the business owner, emphasising the long-term financial benefits of purchasing a Land Rover. This ad also sees the return of the Land Rover oval which had largely disappeared during the British Leyland era.

------------ 1979




     The Carawagon company used various types of adverts to promote themselves. However, a picture of a Land Rover or Range Rover was always included

------------ 1979



     A rare advertisement which promotes the fuel economy of the latest Land Rovers, instead of the more normal "go anywhere" features 

------------ 1979





     An Australian advert stating a price reduction of the new Land Rovers to try and ward off competition from newer rival firms

------------ 1979




     A clever advertisement promoting the new Land Rover Game Series 111 model, only available in Australia. It had specific features added to make it more appealing to Australian owners, and was also reduced in price to help Land Rover claw back some of the market share which was going to newer rival companies

------------ 1979




     Another advert offering serious financial incentives to customers who had been purchasing rival vehicles in increasing numbers in recent years

------------ 1979




     An unusual advert informing readers that following major political changes in Iran, a large order of Range Rovers had been cancelled, but were now available for purchase in Australia

------------ 1979




     Another example of Land Rovers and Range Rovers being group-marketed with all the other British Leyland cars